Wellness Wednesday: Health Tips for Fall & Football


By Jaime Lynn Curley

As the cool crisp air rolls in and the summer clothes get packed away it becomes apparent that Fall is in the air.  This season brings comfort foods, pumpkin picking and football tailgates!

It is so important to navigate your way through each season, enjoying the festivities without the guilt.  I believe you can have balance in all aspects of your life and that includes indulging in the comforts of the fall.

If you are on a weight loss journey or if you are in maintain mode, here are a few tips on how to enjoy the fall festivities without losing balance.

  1. Bring the healthy alternative to the football party. Think veggies and hummus, a healthy alternative munch more on the healthy options than the not so healthy treats.  Which leads me to my next tip…
  2. Don’t go to the party hungry. Make sure you eat a protein packed snack before heading to a party.  This will prevent you from eating too much of the wrong things.
  3. Replace your favorite pumpkin spiced latte with a lower calorie option. Maybe add some pumpkin spice to your regular coffee.  Or start your morning off with a pumpkin spiced meal replacement!  Since the weather started to turn this is how I start my day!
  4. Now is the perfect time to jump-start your health goals before Winter rolls in. Find a nutritional program that provides structure and balance without too many restrictions.


Jaime Lynn Curley is the founder of West Chester-based The Tailor Made Life, LLC., a solutions company helping individuals achieve Mind, Body and Career goals.  Her passion is helping others to feel their best so they can enjoy the everyday moments of life.  You can reach her at jaimelynncurley@gmail.com or on her Facebook page.  



Top photo credit: wuestenigel Fresh sandwich with tomatoes and green salad via photopin (license)

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