Tuesday with Michael: The Number One Secret to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever


Michael Gidlewski

Secret #1 – Extreme Clarity about what Your Best Year looks like.  

Masters of good strategy will tell you: “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll get there. And if you don’t know what you want, you’ll get it.”  

You cannot be successful if you do not know what you really want in life and in your business. You need to know what goals and outcomes you would like to achieve by the end of next year and you also should know what you do not want.

The absolute most important thing you can do to have a prosperous and successful year is to enter the year with your most important goals clearly defined in your mind.  

You can achieve this by creating a list of personal goals and business goals for the next 12 months. 

Start with what you really want to accomplish for yourself by focusing on “what really matters most in your life” so that you can say yes to that list and no to everything else. “Everything else” is going to try to derail you from your goals program.  

The single biggest threat to your goals are other goals!

There is a saying, “You can achieve anything you want in life; you just can’t achieve everything you want.”

We will always have more goals, more wants, more desires than we have time to reach. The absolute key to success is making the choices on which goals you will commit to – and then making a 1000% commitment to those goals.

Most people will never make these hard choices because committing to something means not committing to something else – and people don’t want to give up on those desires.  

The fact of life is none of us is going to live forever and we don’t know when our number is up, so it is so important to get clarity around what is most important for us to achieve. Create goals for personal health and well-being. 

Spend more time on your most important relationships. Stay connected with your kids as they grow up and pursue their college or post-college adventures! Pursue that special hobby or interest you have been putting off.

Block more vacation time in your planner right now!

Planning is the most important time you will spend if you want next year to be your best – ever!  

Take time out of your busy schedule before January rolls in so you can recharge, relax, and reenergize. Know what powerful and meaningful goals you want to achieve next year.  Get the pen to the paper right now and start mapping out your future.   

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