Cherelle Parker, Philadelphia’s First Woman Mayor, Awarded Honorary Doctorate from Lincoln University 


Cherelle Parker
Image via CBS News Philadelphia.
Cherelle Parker accepts her honorary doctorate from Lincoln University.

Philadelphia mayor, Cherelle Parker, has received her honorary doctorate from Lincoln University, reports staff for CBS News Philadelphia.  

Parker, who is the 100th mayor of Philadelphia, is a 1994 graduate of Lincoln University. She is also the first woman to hold office. 

From 2005 to 2015, Parked served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. From there, she was elected to represent the ninth district in Philadelphia in 2015 and was reelected in 2019. After serving as majority leader from 2020 to 2022, Parker resigned and announced her candidacy for the 2023 mayoral election.

She won the Democratic and later defeated Republican David Oh in the general election. 

Over 400 undergraduate and graduate students received their degrees on the university’s main campus for the 165th graduation. 

“Remember all of the challenges that are here. We are dealing with poverty, we are dealing with the need to improve public education, public safety, gun violence. Whatever you do, remember the grit of our ancestors, who allow you stand where you are and know you are not alone.” Parker said, upon accepting her degree. 

Watch Mayor Cherelle Parker’s speech at CBS News Philadelphia


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