Why are Employees Quitting Their Jobs? Toxic Work Culture 

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As Gen Z enters the workforce, company culture becomes more pertinent. According to a LinkedIn survey, 87 percent of Gen Z respondents said they would turn down or quit a job if the employer’s values did not align with their own.  

Among both Gen Z (1997-2012) and Millennials (1981-1996) 60 percent told LinkedIn that company values are a dealbreaker.  

Josh Graff, a managing director at LinkedIn, spoke to CNBC Make It’s Sophie Kiderlin on why that is.  

“Younger generations, in particular, want to work for companies where they can, where they can evoke change where they can make a difference,” he said.  

Graff says this is a recent shift driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in social and political awareness.  

According to a FlexJob survey, one-third of employees have said they will quit or have quit over the past six months. The driving factor for this has been “toxic company culture.”  

Other reasons were low salary, poor management style and lack of work-like-balance, writes Kate Dore for CNBC.  

FlexJobs suggests before quitting to give your employers a two-week notice to not burn any bridges.  

Read more about why people are quitting their jobs on CNBC.  

Why is Gen Z quiet-quitting?

Wilmington University, the sponsor of VISTA Today — Career Corner, is a private, nonprofit, open-access institution that serves more than 20,000 adults, including those seeking advancement through higher education and traditional-age students who aspire to become successful global citizens.

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