Three Ways People of Color Can Succeed in the Workplace


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Navigating the workplace and job market as a racial minority comes with a unique set of challenges. According to a report by Revliolabs, there has been a decline in diverse hiring. Errol Pierre, a business executive adjunct college professor has insights into how people of color can successfully navigate an unfair and unbalanced workforce.  

Find a Mentor 

Building a network of professional connections can open new opportunities. Racial minorities can benefit from finding a professional mentor with the same background as them. However, finding the right person to guide you through your career can prove successful.  

Fight Imposter Syndrome and Protect Your Mental Health 

Imposter syndrome and feeling like you’re unqualified for the role is common in many marginalized groups, especially women of color. Understand that you don’t need to live up to impossible standards. Your mental health is very important. Pierre notes how code-switching at the workplace can take a mental toll. Journaling or seeing a therapist can help.  

Assemble Allies 

Establish rapport with other employees who you normally wouldn’t talk to, Pierre suggests. This is the first step to take in establishing a network of allies who can be in your corner.  

10 ways to promote anti-racism in the workplace.

Wilmington University, the sponsor of VISTA Today — Career Corner, is a private, nonprofit, open-access institution that serves more than 20,000 adults, including those seeking advancement through higher education and traditional-age students who aspire to become successful global citizens.

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The University offers over 200 accredited and career-relevant degree and certificate programs in flexible online and hybrid formats designed to accommodate adults of all ages who work full- or part-time or juggle demanding career, family, and personal schedules.

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