9 Job Search Mistakes to Avoid if You’re Over 50
Although age discrimination is illegal, people in their 50s, 60s or older can still be on the chopping block in the hiring process due to unfair bias.
However, there are savvy ways that Generation X and Baby Boomers looking for work can circumvent ageism.
Maryalene LaPonsie from Money Talks News, tells them what to avoid when applying for jobs.
1. Forgetting to edit your resume
When it comes to age, resumes can be a dead giveaway. Cut out any job experience or education history that is over 15 years old.
2. Being too proud to volunteer
Even though it isn’t paid, volunteering can help you make professional connections you may need to succeed. It also gives you something to do in between jobs.
3. Not refining tech skills
Technology skills are a great litmus test for determining someone’s age. Adapting to new technology is essential to today’s workplace.
4. No online presence
Social media is everything these days. While it is proof that you are well-versed in technology it also makes you more visible. LinkedIn is a great place to start, and it also allows you to connect with recruiters and professionals all over the world.
5. Not utilizing your network
Networking is crucial in your next step to finding your next job. Think of all the connections you’ve built over the years. Consider reaching out to a few individuals on your contact list. Be direct and tell them you’re looking for a new position.
6. Being shy about your experience
Once you get to the interview stage in the process, don’t be shy about owning your experience. You’ve already made it through the first step, so acknowledging your age and highlighting your impressive experience proves that you would be an important addition to the company.
7. Acting like you know everything
While older people can experience ageism in the workplace, and so do younger people. They often can be intimidated by older people with lots of experience. Try to go the extra mile to prove to the interviewer that you’re not going to “act like you know everything” (a common misconception of older folks).
8. Looking for workplaces that don’t value older workers
You bring a wealth of experience to the workplace. Don’t waste your time trying to prove yourself to an employer that only hires younger workers. Job boards such as Retirementjobs.com and National Older Worker Career Center are great resources to connect you to places that value older workers.
9. Not being flexible with income
While in a perfect world, your abundant experience would yield a high income, sometimes you must be flexible. That means compromising on a lower salary than you originally aimed for just to get your foot in the door.
Read more about things to avoid doing when job-seeking on Money Talks News.
YouTuber Andrew LaCavita offers tips on the job search, resume writing, and interviewing for jobseekers over 50-year olds looking for a new position.
Wilmington University, the sponsor of VISTA Today — Career Corner, is a private, open-access institution that serves more than 20,000 adults, including those seeking advancement through higher education and traditional-age students who aspire to become successful global citizens.
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The University offers over 200 accredited and career-relevant degree and certificate programs in flexible online and hybrid formats designed to accommodate adults of all ages who work full- or part-time or juggle demanding career, family, and personal schedules.
Learn more about WilmU here or register to attend one of the University’s webinars. You will find information about academic programs, flexible scheduling options, tuition, admissions, student services, athletics, and more.
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