Wipe Away Stress With a Good LOL


By Tina O’Conner

April is National Stress Awareness Month. How many of you are feeling stress due to the weather and the fact that the Groundhog was not accurate this year? The focus for this week is how to use laughter to manage stress. And thankfully, laughter costs us nothing; except our mindful attention to the here and now.

Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases endorphins which in turn improves mood and can also relieve pain. It improves oxygen flow to the heart, lowers blood pressure, and increases circulation. Laughter increases our immune system and helps us fight disease. It can also relieve physical tension in muscles and joints.

Laughter reduces stress, anxiety, and fear. Laughing gives us a break in our day and helps shift our perspective from negative to positive. Laughter can help us feel more confident and spontaneous and connects us to others. One last benefit to reflect on is that laughter diffuses tension.

After listing those benefits, I am asking myself if laughter is free, we can practice it anywhere at any time, and it has all these wonderful effects, why are we not laughing more often?

Media and social media are a good place to start. We are inundated on a daily basis with what is not so pleasant about our world and the people inhabiting it. We do not know how to unplug.We have much to accomplish in a short amount of time. Some of us are constantly moving.

I remember walking into a family owned business and while waiting my turn (patiently, of course) listening to a little girl just laugh. It changed my perspective for that day.

Sometimes we believe we don’t have anything about which to laugh. Maybe someone close to us died, maybe we lost our job or someone in our family is sick. Even during those times, it’s possible to laugh and enjoy the sensation of letting go and for a few moments being able to breathe and focusing on the lighter side of life.

Do yourself a favor, slow down and laugh.


Tina O'ConnorTina L. O’Connor, MS, NCC is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has a private counseling practice in Parkesburg. Tina attended college in Phoenixville and West Chester. Tina and her husband Doug have three amazing adult stepchildren and two beautiful grandchildren. Tina can be reached at Experience Positive Therapy via telephone at (610) 857-8089 or email at exppostherapy1@verizon.net.

Top photo credit: Pleasing To God via photopin (license)

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