Judith Lee: “What Does it Do for Your Business?”


Last year's SCORE 2015 Awards Luncheon was attended by dozens of Chester County business leaders. That kind of access is just one of the benefits SCORE provides to its clients.

By Judith Lee

In the past two weeks, I’ve donated about 15 hours of my time to SCORE, the all-volunteer organization that helps small businesses. It’s a bit higher than my usual SCORE activity; however, it was time very well spent, and I’m certain it will provide a return to my business.

When I mention my involvement with SCORE, I often get the question, “What does it do for your business?” After a bit more than a year with SCORE, I can say:

  • Enhances my visibility throughout Chester and Delaware counties
  • Introduces me to small business owners who value my expertise
  • Greatly expands the pool of referral sources
  • Challenges me to stay up-to-date and relevant
  • Associates me with an outstanding group of professionals (2015 SCORE Chapter of the Year!) who give generously to the small business community

I have a feeling that those who ask me about SCORE’s value are asking about direct revenue to my business. I can’t point to a lot of direct revenue, but I can point to indirect revenue (business that came as a result of referrals), and direct marketing benefit.

My experience with SCORE has reinforced my belief that the more you give, the more you get. You don’t always know where it will come from, but you are always rewarded for being a “good guy.”

That applies to other deserving non-profit groups and causes as well. Whomever your target audience might be, they will think more highly of you, and be more likely to do business with you and/or refer business to you if you give of your time and expertise.

So don’t focus strictly on the immediate bottom line. Take the long view and give generously; you and your business will be rewarded.


4.6.2015 Judith LeeJudith Lee is a marketing and communications professional who focuses on social media and email marketing based in Atglen. She is a SCORE Volunteer and the Chair-Elect of the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce. Her posts on marketing and social media are a regular Monday morning feature on VISTA Today. She can be reached at 610-368-2058 or via email at judithlee@epix.net.

Top photo credit: Pointing at button via photopin (license)

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