LA-Based Filmmakers, Phoenixville Natives Win Inaugural Phoenixville Film Festival


winners of Phoenixville Film Festival
Image via Colonial Theatre.

Willie, Jamaley & The Cacacoon, co-directed by Phoenixville natives Tyler Schnabel and Ryan Dellaquila, took top honors at the first-ever Phoenixville Film Festival.

“I’ve been to my fair share of first-year festivals, and they can be hit or miss,” said Schnabel. “Phoenixville was absolutely a HIT. The festival directors and programmers knocked it out of the park. They did everything right. Excellent film blocks, well-organized and scheduled, great partnerships, and lots of amazing filmmakers to meet and mingle with.”

The festival, held Sept. 21-24, included workshops, panel discussions, and screenings in a collaborative atmosphere designed to encourage independent filmmakers.

Schnabel and Dellaquila are based in Los Angeles. Growing up, they would frequently catch movies at the historic Colonial Theatre.

“Having our film close out the festival with our title on the marquee was one of those magical full-circle moments that you can only dream of happening,” recalled Schnabel. “Our families were there, lifelong friends, and the majority of our cast and crew — it really was the best day of my life.”

The 2024 Phoenixville Film Festival begins on Sept. 19, 2024; submissions for the competition are already being accepted here.

Learn more at the Colonial Theatre.

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