19th Century Quilt from West Chester Draws Attention in New York


Sacret Bibel quilt
Image via American Folk Art Museum.
Sacret Bibel quilt.

The “Sacret Bibel” quilt hailing from West Chester commandeered attention at the quilt exhibit running at the American Folk Art Museum in New York, writes Kim Cook for ABC News

Created between 1875 and 1895, the quilt is known by the phonetically spelled inscription at the top made by its maker, Susan Arrowood, who also inscribed her name at the bottom. However, nobody knows who she was, even after extensive research in the area where her quilt was discovered. 

The work bursts with color and is packed with images. It is also a picture book of vignettes drawn from Bible stories. 

“Every time I look at it, I find something new,” said Emelie Gevalt, the museum’s curator of folk art and curatorial chair for collections. “Her composition explodes with creativity.” 

Read more about the quilt at ABC News.


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