Double Your Listening Effectiveness and Increase Your Income


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Talk less. Learn more. Earn more.

Most of us don’t realize we have a problem with listening; we don’t fully realize how listening (or not listening) affects us daily. Most individuals use only 25 percent of their inherent ability to listen. Hearing is a faculty; listening is an art.

Listening is a skill and, like any skill, can be improved with regular training. Not just an activity of the ears, good listening involves your eyes and your heart. The more conscious you are of the importance of listening, the better your chances are for becoming an effective communicator.

“Listening does not mean simply maintaining a polite silence while you are rehearsing in your mind what you are going to say as soon as you can grab an opening in the conversation,” said S.I. Hayakawa.

Self-concept and communication.

Self-concept, how you see yourself and your situation, is the most important factor affecting your ability to listen and communicate effectively.

A strong self-concept is necessary for healthy and useful communication. A weak self-concept often distorts how others see you. This distortion often leads to insecurity and self-doubt, making it hard for you to listen to others, express feelings, and accept constructive criticism.

Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

The problem is not so much one of memory as one of active and attentive listening. To be sure, memory usually requires paying attention. But the biggest problem in listening is that we fail to focus on the other person’s point of view or idea.

It is human nature for us to want to tell our story and tell it instantly- and all too frequently. We do not wait until the other person has finished talking before we’re interrupting. Often, even changing the subject!

Concentrated attention breeds good retention.

Let me repeat that. Concentrated attention breeds good retention. This week, take notice of how you participate in your daily conversations. You may be surprised at what you find out about yourself — and others.

Do you interrupt? Are you even paying attention to what people say? Do you go into conversations with presumptions and expectations instead of an open mind? You probably never noticed before, but now that you are actively paying attention, you can learn something about yourself. Once you know, you are armed with powerful information to change your business and your relationships for the better.

And relationships drive business. As you become a more attentive listener, your employees and clients will feel it and that is always good for business. Learn more at

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