2023 VISTA Millennial Superstars: Lizzy Loughnane
Lizzy Loughnane, a Minneapolis native who never left Greater Philadelphia after moving here to attend college, is a Senior Hydraulic Modeling and Planning Engineer at Aqua.
“I work with all of our eight states on system planning and efficiencies,” she said. “I enjoy my position because it’s never dull. There’s always a new problem to be solved and alternative ways to go about solving them.”
Loughnane, who began working when she was 16 years old at a coffee shop, earned a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Villanova University, where she participated in international engineering service trips and had a research paper published about water treatment using alternative coagulants. She credits Mike Convery with having the biggest impact on her career.
“He was instrumental in getting me hired at Aqua and gave me a lot of freedom to discover my passions in the water sector,” said Loughnane. “He always supported my work and brought my name to the table multiple times that another manager may have not.”
Loughnane’s proudest professional achievement was getting promoted to Senior after only a few years at the company.
“The position required more years of experience than I had, but I put my hat in the ring anyway,” she said. “I was granted the position because of my performance over the few years. I feel very accomplished that my work speaks for itself and allows me these opportunities.”
Her favorite Chester County restaurants are Stable 12 Brewing and Root Down Brewing Company in Phoenixville.
Loughnane and the rest of the 2023 Class of VISTA Millennial Superstars will be honored at the Awards Reception & Celebration on Thursday, May 18 at Penn State Great Valley.
Sponsors are still being sought. Click here to learn more about the various opportunities available to partner with VISTA Today as it celebrates Chester County’s next generation of leaders, or contact Steve Knickerbocker at steve.knickerbocker@acj.today or 484-437-2826.
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