Mum’s the Word for Festival Taking Place at Kennett Square’s Longwood Gardens


Chrysanthemum Festival
Image via William Hill, Longwood Gardens.
Chrysanthemum Festival.

Kevin Bielick, a horticulture specialty grower at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, joined Eyewitness News to talk about Chrysanthemum Festival that is currently underway, writes staff for CBS Philadelphia

“Chrysanthemum is our special display we have every year,” said Bielick, “and it’s a display of fall’s quintessential flower chrysanthemum.” 

The festival boasts 8,500 chrysanthemums in different colors, sizes, and varieties, along with over 40 different forms, including pagodas, curtains, and orbs. 

In addition to the Chrysanthemum Festival, Logwood Gardens is featuring the traditional Japanese art of bonsai. 

During the fall season, Longwood Gardens also has a pumpkin playground, Bruce Munro light exhibit, and garden railway. 

Visitors can enjoy the Chrysanthemum Festival until Nov. 13. 

Watch the entire video on CBS Philadelphia

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