Local Teen Sensation Getting Offers from Producers, Recording Companies


Wallis Schriver is receiving offers from producers, managers, and recording companies after her hit song “Lonely Christmas” went viral, writes Ellen Gray for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

The 15-year-old, whose stage name is WALLIS, is a student at the West Chester-based Center for Performing and Fine Arts, a program for students enrolled in the Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School. She started working on a song with her father, Gene, last year but something just did not work.

Then, the pandemic happened, and WALLIS managed to come up with a song that has become the embodiment of 2020.

The people responded, and the song has surpassed one million views on YouTube.

It has caught the attention of many, including talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres, who shared it with her followers.

And while the song’s success has also attracted plenty of attention from music industry professionals, WALLIS has decided to wait before making any commitments.

“Right now, we’re doing our best to optimize the moment that we’re in, and build an audience on our own before we go and sign with any big companies or anything like that,” she said. “We’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing and see what happens from there.”

Read more about Wallis Schriver in The Philadelphia Inquirer by clicking here.

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