For the Sake of Your Career and Professional Relationships, Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Politics-Free
By Lynne Williams
Should you be posting anything to do with politics or any political commentary on LinkedIn? Only if you want to risk destroying relationships. You could jeopardize relationships with your employer, clients, colleagues, etc., so I would not recommend this.
If politics is your career, you will most likely be listing your position in the work experience section. However, be careful with your posts’ content, as you may reap what you sow – good, bad, and ugly.
If you want to share your personal political opinions, LinkedIn is not the place for that. Read this Forbes article and Google to read more on this topic. There are many articles to read.
LinkedIn’s Advertising Policies prohibit advertising many things, including political ads. Specifically, the policy states:
“Political ads are prohibited, including ads advocating for or against a particular candidate, party, or ballot proposition or otherwise intended to influence an election outcome; ads fundraising for or by political candidates, parties, political action committees or similar organizations, or ballot propositions; and ads exploiting a sensitive political issue even if the advertiser has no explicit political agenda.”
If LinkedIn’s ad policy is so specific, I would think it would be wise to mirror that philosophy on your profile.
Note that LinkedIn also has Professional Community Policies as well as a User Agreement.
Don’t create divisiveness. Don’t start what others have termed “LinkedIn suicide.” It’s not worth it. Your banter will probably not change anyone’s opinion anyway.
Want to get involved in the polls? Temporary paid, and volunteer jobs are available in Chester County, Chester County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, or learn more here.
Just as a reminder:
Last chance to RSVP for a John Maxwell event live on Oct 9th, 9 am – 1 pm or on-demand for five days after. Join in on presentations from John Maxwell, Steve Harvey, Alan Mullaly, Kat Cole, and Craig Groeschel. To learn from these world-class leaders, register on this link for only $79.
Missed last week’s article Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Building Opportunities? Click here!
Need to learn more about building your LinkedIn profile? Register with the Chester County Library for Saturday, October 17, 2020, for LinkedIn Part 2 of 3. In this workshop, you will learn how to make the visuals and how your efforts on LinkedIn can connect on other social media platforms.
Prefer Tuesday evenings for LinkedIn learning, join me on Zoom for five sessions!
Upcoming October Online Zoom Events
Register per the instructions on the website. Join our meetup (see step one of this Google doc). To attend the speaker meetings for free for a year, become a Bronze or BENG member. Your membership or sponsorship supports our nonprofit to help job seekers in career transition and self-employed and employed with career management. Consider sponsoring a job seeker in need and help pay it forward!
- 10/9 Live2Lead John Maxwell Conference live, but available for 5 days on demand
- 10/12 Career Success Group Meeting
- 10/13 Self-Leadership at Business Executives Networking Group Meeting
- 10/13 Interview Preparation & Tips
- 10/13 Integrating Emotional Intelligence into the Job Search Webinar
- 10/13 Business Executives Networking Group Meeting
- 10/13 LinkedIn 5 sessions on Tuesdays (not on election day)
- 10/14 Call-in PowerThinking Resiliency Building
- 10/14 Searching for Jobs During the COVID Outbreak
- 10/14 How to Power Through to the Other Side
- 10/15 Nonprofit Career Network
- 10/16 Career Success Group Meeting
- 10/17 LinkedIn Part 2 of 3
- 10/19 Career Success Group Meeting
- 10/19 Virtual Job Seeker Support Meeting
- 10/19 Business Executives Networking Group Meeting
Lynne Williams, Ed.D. Candidate (she/her/hers) is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, a nonprofit with over 6300 members and alumni. Contact Lynne by phone at 484-393-2951, email at, on social media @GreatCareersPHL and #GreatCareersPHL and connect on LinkedIn at Read our SCORE Success Story as a 2020 Small Business Achievement Award Winner!
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