Child Guidance Offers Tips on Helping Your Child with Autism Through the COVID-19 ‘Lockdown’


Image via Child Guidance Resource Centers.

By Melissa Bowen

Schedules for parents and children have significantly changed. Children are being asked to learn virtually and complete worksheets at the kitchen table, while parents are either working from home or scrambling to find childcare.

Here are ideas to help your child with Autism navigate through changes and uncertainties from the COVID-19 Lockdown.

  1. Keep a structured routine. Continue to practice good hygiene with your children. Use a visual or written schedule and include your child in selecting activities for the day.
  2. Spend some time outside. Take the dog for a walk, do a sensory activity or make a yummy treat in the kitchen. Mix fun activities with educational activities and know the activity limits for you and your child.
  3. If you have an active behavior plan. Stick to it! Keeping things as consistent as possible is key for helping to ease anxiety and increase expectations during uncharted times.
  4. Increase reinforcement. So often, we only direct attention to our children when they’re doing something they’re not supposed to do. Notice your child being “good.” Extra hugs and high fives, tickles or singing silly songs, random treats (small pieces of candy or chips), or a simple “I love how nice you’re playing with your brother!” can go a long way and help keep children on the “right track” behaviorally.
  5. Model self-care. Stay calm and model calm behaviors for your child. Knowing that Mom or Dad is anxious or stressed may increase anxiety and stress in your child. Remember to practice your own self-care during this time. Do yoga together. Take a walk. Cook, read a book, or play a family board game. Excuse yourself to your room if you’re feeling overwhelmed … and allow your child to do the same.
  6. Use your natural supports. Your partner, your friends, siblings, or parents. Your neighbors (but don’t forget social distancing!) and your support groups. Technology is your friend, use it to connect with your supports even when you can’t be in the same room together.

In the end, don’t be too hard on yourself. Stick to the plan and what you know works for your child and your family. Know that this is temporary, yet necessary. Allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive yourself for it. And do the same for your child.


Melissa Bowen is a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst and the Director of ABA Services at Child Guidance Resource Centers.

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