One of Bruce Springsteen’s Earliest Gigs Was at WCU … and It Did Not Go Well


One of Bruce Springsteen’s earliest gigs as a signed musician was at West Chester University, but the performance did not end up going as well as the famous artist had hoped it would.

One of Bruce Springsteen’s earliest gigs as a signed musician was at West Chester University, but the performance in October 1972 did not end up going as well as the famous artist had hoped it would, writes Martin Kielty for

Springsteen recalled the event in an extended television interview with Jimmy Kimmel (reference to Springsteen’s WCU gig begins at the 11:10 mark of the above video). It took place after he has recorded his first album, Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.

At WCU, Springsteen was opening for the comedy duo Cheech & Chong, who were hugely popular at the time.

“We came out, we played about five songs, I thought it was going really good,” said Springsteen. “I was sitting at the piano and somebody tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘That’s enough.’ That was it!”

The reason for the shortened performance was a dispute that had erupted backstage with Cheech & Chong’s management, who had not been told that a third act was booked. As a result, Springsteen and the E Street Band were asked to end their set prematurely.

Read more about Bruce Springsteen’s short-lived gig in Chester County from here.

Top photo credit: pjmbarlickoz Springsteen via photopin (license)

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