Judith Lee: The Paradox That Is Steve Jobs


Judith Lee

By Judith Lee

At some time in your career, you’ve encountered him or her – the boss from h-e-double hockey sticks. I’m talking about a tyrant who rules with fear and motivates with harsh criticism or outright ridicule. Usually, this person sets the worst possible example in terms of personal relationships and loyalty.

Now imagine that such a person has been rewarded with hundreds of millions of dollars, fame, and global influence. Yikes!

That’s the subject of the book I’m reading, Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. The biographer pulls no punches, revealing the technology icon in a glaring spotlight that does not flatter. Although Jobs did not authorize the book, he did cooperate with Mr. Isaacson and encouraged his associates to do so as well (that is actually the only nice thing I can say about the late Mr. Jobs).

The book is a fascinating study in how NOT to lead others or conduct one’s business or personal life. Very well researched and written, it is like a train wreck in that you know it’s all horrible, but you just can’t look away.

Why slog through it? Because it’s a revealing tour of technology development in the late 20th and early 21st century – dates you can relate to your personal milestones. There are some surprising “insider moments” that will inform you. And you meet the giants of industry as individuals with very human foibles.

The read is worth it, but it’s not for the faint of heart. The life and times of Steve Jobs reminds us that life isn’t fair. But each of us has a choice, and you can choose to be a better person, generous to friends and associates, and the kind of man or woman you’d like to work for.


4.6.2015 Judith LeeJudith Lee is a marketing and communications professional who focuses on social media and email marketing based in Atglen. She is a SCORE Volunteer and the Chair-Elect of the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 610-368-2058 or via email at judithlee@epix.net.


Top photo credit: Lecture du weekend #stevejobs via photopin (license)

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