Covered Bridge: Five Things We Learned About Disney Today


Fast Company has published their feature on Disney’s years-in-the-making redevelopment of customer experience at their parks. Outside research teams, consultants and designers created the MagicBand–a wristband that functions as a ticket, credit card, hotel room key, and more. It could also allow talking animatronics to address your kids by name. They’ll love that! It only cost Disney a billion dollars. Featured too in the redevelopment: James Cameron, Steve Jobs, John Lasseter and Sheryl Sandberg.

Here are a few things we learned from the article:

  • 1. Imagineers, the creative teams behind park development, can be really, really difficult to work with.
    2. A source on Disney’s company culture: “[It’s] all smiles and happiness, and everyone is going in to give you a hug. But you have no idea who is working against you. You come out bruised and bloody.”
    3. The Disneyworld Monorail, though only 15 miles of track, has an average daily ridership of 150,000.
    4. Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas worked with Micheal Jackson to create a short film in the ’80s for Epcot. Considered an awful failure, “Micheal Jackson’s Captain EO” cost $1.67 million per minute.
    5. Innovation at a much beloved, decades old company is really, really difficult.
  • We hope you check out the article and return tomorrow for our guide to the best video content this week.
    Top photo credit: Covered Bridge, Fairfield County, Ohio via photopin (license)


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