Covered Bridge: March Madness, A Streetcar Named Expired and Innovative Libraries


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! That means March Madness is almost upon us and the Wall Street Journal has a great article about the rise of “flopping” in college basketball (complete with the best flop vine ever). No, there won’t be a Warren Buffet $1 billion challenge this year, but that’s unlikely to alter the huge decline in worker productivity that occurs this time each year. Not in Chester County, right?

Next, Arlington County, Virginia is Chester County’s most consistent, if not most formidable, competitor on “Best Places to Live” lists in the United States. Several years ago they approved development on a Portland-like street rail for a central business district. Now, the New York Times is reporting on how Arlington County’s surprise reversal on the streetcar may endanger like plans across the Potomac. Read about it here.

Finally, the Denver Post has an interesting story on Anythink, an innovative new library system in Adams County, Colorado. “Not the same old shhh” is the mantra of the libraries that now boast 3-D printers, co-working space, no late fees and no due dates. They don’t even use the Dewey Decimal System. But how have county residents responded? Find out here.

photo credit: Kreidersville Covered Bridge – from below via photopin (license)


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