Five Reasons Why You Should Read TMACC’s Monday Morning Memo


Transportation Services

Five Reasons To Read TMACC’s Monday Morning Memo

Our partners at the Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC) publish a weekly e-newsletter that we find to be extremely helpful to plan our week ahead.

From construction updates to thought provoking articles from various sources, these guys make transportation interesting (even for a Monday Morning!).

So why should you read their Monday Morning Memo?  Here are five reasons we came up with…

  • Transportation updates to make your commutes much easier.

The amount of emails PennDOT sends throughout any given week can be cumbersome.  TMACC understands your time is important, so they bring you the most important updates about Chester County projects from PennDOT.  Each Monday Morning Memo, TMACC attaches the most relevant construction updates to Chester County so you can plan your commute around the mess.

  • Become an informed Chester County citizen.

There are a lot of events that happen in Chester County, including public meetings.  Public meetings are important events, but they tend to get overshadowed.  Planners and engineers are constantly planning the future of Chester County, and they want your input.  TMACC publishes all those important events that may not be in the mainstream news.

  • The “Now Trending” section.
    This is our favorite part of Monday’s TMACC Memo.  Even though it’s called “Now Trending”, it’s probably not what you’ve been reading in the front pages.  These articles provide you with unique and fascinating trends in the world of transportation from around the globe.  They’re fun, like this article from City Lab about the Best Public Transportation Ad.
  • It’s sent on Monday morning.
    To no surprise, the Monday Morning Memo is sent out on Monday morning. Monday is the start of your work week.  TMACC makes sure you are ready to face the weekly transportation challenges ahead.
  • You can read it on your phone.
    You’re reading emails on your phone, on the go. There is nothing more annoying than trying to load an email that just won’t show up because there is too much content.  Thankfully, TMACC creates the MMM to be fully compatible with your phone.

To sign up for TMACC’s Monday Morning Memo, click here.


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