Potatoes Everywhere For Nottingham Snack Food Manufacturer


It takes a nearly endless supply of fresh potatoes to supply Chester County’s popular potato chip maker Herr’s year-round.

Nottingham’s based Herr’s Foods produces and markets 340 different kinds of snack foods for retail food outlets primarily east of the Mississippi River including Kmart and Giant.

Ed Herr
Ed Herr

Fortunately, the potato season spans a mere 90 days, and while the local Pennsylvania soils are frozen solid in January, potato planting gets under way that month in Florida, Herr’s President Ed Herr told Philly.com during a recent interview.

“We run potatoes fresh out of the field, and we follow that crop right up the East Coast: to North Carolina, Virginia, then New Jersey and Pennsylvania,” he said. “When we get to New York and Michigan, the soil is so rich and they grow so hardily that they stay fresh. They’ll stay fresh all winter until they get back to Florida again. So we’re always using fresh potatoes.”

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