Chaddsford Winery Finds ‘Right Fit’ in New Owners
Earlier this month, Chaddsford Winery, which put Pennsylvania wines on the regional and national map, has found new owners after 42 years in the Petrillo family, writes Paul Vigna for the Penn Live Patriot-News.
Delaware real estate developer Brock Vinton and his son, Brock J. Vinton II, who have operated White Horse Winery in Hammonton, New Jersey, for the last eleven years, decided to purchase the property at 632 Baltimore Pike and continue running it as a winery.
Once the deal was finalized, the staff at Chaddsford were happy they achieved their goal of finding the “right fit,” according to longtime Chaddsford Winery General Manager Corey Krejcik.
“From the very beginning, it wasn’t so much about the sale of the property and assets,” said Krejcik. “It was about a continuation of legacy in some shape or form.”
Krejcik will remain in his role under the new owners, as will the remainder of the operations team. In fact, most of the pre and post-settlement conversations have revolved around keeping the brand and keeping things intact.
“It’s just a really exciting time,” he said. “We feel like we’re rejuvenated and really focused on the future and what it holds.”
Read more about Chaddsford Winery getting new owners and what they plan to do with it in the Penn Live Patriot-News.
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