This Farm in Chester Springs Offers Hands-On Farm Classes for Youngsters


margo cruz on Lollybrook Farm
Image via Lollybrook Farm, Instagram.
Margo Cruz, center, teaches kids how to garden, care for animals, and operate simple machines on the farm.

Lollybrook Farm in Chester Springs offers hands-on, curriculum-based farm classes for children ages two to 11, writes Gina Lizzo for Main Line Today.

Margo Cruz often took her niece and nephew to the farm during the pandemic as it was a safe place to pass the time. Inspired by their love of the place, she started researching nature- and play-based learning and its positive effects on childhood development, work ethic, and belonging.

“I was inspired to invite others to the farm to share this special type of experiential learning,” she said.

Today, Cruz teaches kids how to garden, care for animals, and also operate simple machines on her family’s farm. The youngsters learn about the inner workings of the farm and where their food originates. Additionally, they are exposed to unique occupations, such as horse dentistry and shearing.

“Interacting and working on a farm is a great way to foster and validate [things] that might not show up in a classroom,” said Francine Montagnolo, a certified school psychologist in West Chester. “Learning to grow things and care for animals provides opportunities for kids to observe and practice so many important lessons, many essential for their development.”

Read more about Lollybrook Farm’s impact on young children in Main Line Today.


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