Eastern University Opens Renowned Planetarium to Public for ‘Star of Bethlehem Christmas Show’


Eastern University
Image via Eastern University.
Dr. David H. Bradstreet.
Eastern University logo

Throughout the month of December, Eastern University is hosting multiple showings of the “Star of Bethlehem Christmas Show” at its renowned planetarium. The show is an Eastern tradition that dates back to 1972. 

This event depicts a Christmas-themed story between an astronomer and his daughter, who is curious about the origin and reason behind common Christmas traditions like mistletoe, candy canes, the 12 days of Christmas, and, most notably, the Star of Bethlehem. 

The show takes the audience back to Jerusalem and Bethlehem around 3 B.C. to explore the sky and discover something that might have been interpreted as the famous Star that led the Wise Men to the Christ child. It is a favorite of the Eastern community and marks one of the main occurrences annually when the planetarium is open to the public to experience.  

Show details:

  • Dates: Dec. 1-2, 8-9, and 15-16
  • Times: 7 PM and 8 PM 
  • Location: Julia Fowler Planetarium in McInnis Hall at Eastern University
  • Address: 1300 Eagle Road in St. Davids

Attendees will gather on the floor and lean against comfortable backrests to immerse themselves in the mesmerizing, fulldome experience. 

Eastern’s planetarium, previously named “Best Place to Ponder the Heavens” by Main Line Today, is a destination place for field trips, community visits, and students of the university. 

Dr. David H. Bradstreet, the director of the planetarium, has contributed greatly to not only the astronomy department at Eastern, but to the field as a whole. His publication of four volumes of the Spitz Fulldome Curriculum is used by more than 700 planetariums worldwide. He also co-published the book Star Struck: Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos, created the Binary Maker 3.0 program used by professionals internationally, and had Asteroid 5826 Bradstreet named after his many accomplishments.

“Christmas is one of the best times of year to visit the planetarium,” said Dr. Bradstreet. “Our Christmas show reminds children and adults alike of the wonders of the heavens that God has created and inspires viewers to think deeply and passionately about themselves and the world around them.” 

Reserve your spot to see this year’s planetarium Christmas Show at Eastern University and look forward to a magical evening and interesting theory on the origin of the famous Star.

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