Local Businesses Weigh In on Modern Office Layouts and Hybrid Workforce Privacy and Productivity


sound masking
Image via Haverford Systems.
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More than half of employees overhear confidential information at the office. That’s a startling number, isn’t it?

It’s a concern that local businesses are taking seriously, especially with the rise of open floor plans and hybrid workforces.

The Problem

Open office layouts look sleek and modern. They encourage collaboration and create a sense of community. But there’s a downside. Privacy can sometimes feel like a thing of the past.

Employees overhear private conversations. They become distracted by the buzz of co-workers chatting nearby. And the numbers back up these concerns: Workers waste an average of 21.5 minutes a day due to conversational distractions.

Local Businesses Respond

Philadelphia’s business community isn’t ignoring the issue. Business owners, managers, and HR professionals are speaking up. They want solutions that protect privacy without stifling collaboration.

Enter sound masking.

Nicole Bellman, Director of Real Estate at Mercy Health, praises the technology: “Sound masking from Cambridge Sound Management allowed us to be true to our architectural vision for our new office without sacrificing acoustical comfort or employee productivity. We love it!”

It’s not a new idea. But it’s gaining traction. Sound-masking technology adds a soft background noise to the office environment. It sounds like airflow, and it’s pleasing to the ear.

Robert Hunt, Facility Manager at Benco Dental, shares the sentiment: “Once you have sound masking installed in your office, you wonder how you ever lived without it.”

From Hershey Chocolates in Hershey to Envera in West Chester, Haverford Systems has installed direct-field sound masking systems to ensure privacy and productivity gains for local businesses.

A Way Forward

Local businesses are finding ways to adapt. They’re engaging with employees to understand what they need to feel comfortable and productive. Sound masking is just one of the tools in the toolkit.

In Philadelphia, businesses are rising to the challenge. They’re tackling the problem head-on, with creativity, compassion, and a willingness to embrace new solutions.

The future of work is here, and it’s a future where privacy matters. With determination and innovation, local businesses are proving that modern office layouts and hybrid workforces can thrive without sacrificing the privacy and comfort that employees deserve.

Haverford Systems offers a no-commitment office survey for sound-masking installations. Also, you can tour our facilities in Downingtown with sound masking on display.

Book a meeting to discuss sound masking at your office at Haverford Systems.


R.T. Chalfant is an Integration Sales Account Manager at Haverford Systems. Raised in West Chester and an alumnus of Earlham College in Indiana, R.T. is passionate about connecting customers with the best new technologies available today and excels at understanding customer needs and translating them into successful design and integration solutions. When R.T. is not working his magic in AV integration, he’s enjoying time with his wife and two children. A devoted Philadelphia sports fan, he also loves golfing, camping, and trips to the shore.

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