West Chester’s Andiario Owner Tells All About Fresh Pasta-Making Method
West Chester restaurateur Tony Andiario says that making fresh pasta is a “labor of love.” He runs his namesake brick-and-mortar restaurant Andiario, which is where he makes fresh pasta every morning for the evening patrons, writes Roger Morris for The Hunt.
To make fresh pasta, basic machines, either manual or electric can do the trick. But each kind serves a different purpose. Extruders, for example, make noodles and rigatoni and mixes the dough. Rollers are used for hand-cutting different shapes and calls for the dough to be pre-made.
Andiario says his machine of choice is an Imperia restaurant model. He says he prefers to use eggs in his rolled pasta and just water for his extruded pasta. Also for extruded dough, semolina is the flour to go to. In other cases, all-purpose flour is recommended.
He said prefers to use his fingers to make the dough.
“The mixture should be loose and crumbly. You can adjust the mixture at this stage, which you can’t do once you start making it into a ball. It should be a slower process,” he says.
Read more about the West Chester restaurateur in The Hunt Magazine.
A look inside Andiario.
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