Herd of ‘Moo-schievous’ Cows Escape Pens and Wander Around East Bradford Neighborhood


Image via FOX29 Philadelphia.

Last week, a herd of mischievous cows escaped their pens and had a little wander around Chester County, causing quite a stir on social media platforms, according to staff from FOX29 Philadelphia.

One home got a surprise visit when the small group showed up unannounced in their front yard to graze. The escape artists were rounded up by police officers and led safely home after an initial stare-down. They were sent back by around 11:30 PM, but not before Facebook users took the opportunity to create “udderly” hilarious puns and jokes about the situation.

“Our officers responded quickly, in hopes to catch this group of mischievous perpetrators in action,” said West Chester police in a Facebook post. “With a little encouragement and some slow walking, Clarabelle and friends were returned to their home.”

As news spread around the town, some clever comments included:

  • “Now, that’s a steak out!”
  • “Thank you for safely ‘mooving’ them home!”
  • “I think they herd the message loud and clear, and moooved along!”

Read more about the adventure at FOX29 Philadelphia.

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