Big Feats for Bigfoot, Latest Sighting Reported in Pennsylvania Woods


bigfoot sighting
Image via iStock.

Bigfoot researchers are hailing the unusual findings of a former police officer deep in the Pennsylvania woods as the latest sighting of the mythical beast, writes Justin Heinze for the Patch.

The man spotted large footprints with nearly four feet between them near the town of Indiana, around 50 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.

“The tracks were similar to human tracks, but different,” said the witness in a report he made to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. “There were no shoe treads in the tracks.”

He added that he noticed the tracks in a large field that had a group of deer wandering nearby. BFRO claims that “deer are the main protein source for sasquatches.”

The sighting was made in late December. BFRO investigated the report and published it in February. The organization said that the person who reported the sighting was “sincere and credible” and that the tracks are almost identical to the ones photographed in Lewis County, Washington, in 2020.

The incident is considered a class B sighting, which means that evidence of a sasquatch was spotted, but the beast was not directly seen.

Read more about the Bigfoot sighting in the Patch.

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