Phoenixville Residents Battle for K-Center Green Space, Rally Against Development
Residents are battling for Phoenixville to seize the vacant Kindergarten Center through eminent domain. At a meeting Tuesday night, residents pleaded with the borough council to halt the property’s sale to the Toll Brothers, writes Holly Herman for The Patch.
Back in March, the board voted in favor of selling the K-Center to the developers to transform it into a townhouse development. Phoenixville residents want the space preserved for a litany of environmental reasons.
The Green Team, a non-profit organization, says the development could attract traffic, causing noise and pollution. The advocacy group, Phoenixville Area Friends of Open Space, is rallying for it to be turned into a park. Its petition to preserve the space has collected over 1,300 signatures to meet its 1,500 goal.
A hearing to approve the purchase is scheduled on Oct. 17 in the Chester County Justice Center.
Read more about the fight to preserve the Phoenixville property on The Patch.
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