Chester County OIC Awarded $833,070 to Continue Work Enclave Program in Coatesville
The Chester County OIC (Opportunities Industrialization Center) has been granted ARPA funding for the Work Enclave program on behalf of the Chester County Commissioners.
The Work Enclave has successfully taught participants career and personal development skills while helping better the city of Coatesville. The Enclave is a 5-week paid ambassador program for residents in the 19320 to participate in community clean up while learning work readiness skills. At the end of the 5-weeks, those who are work ready will move forward as candidates for local jobs with great pay and benefits.
The program will be continuing for three and a half years thanks to the support of this grant amount of $833,070.
The continued mission of the Work Enclave is to effectively meet underserved individuals, community and employer needs through economic advancement opportunities in 19320. The Work Enclave is a result of a collective partnership that organizes county resources with the goal of identifying and closing service gaps related to wage-sustaining employment for the underemployed, unemployed, and economically challenged residents of Coatesville.
CCOIC team members, staff participants, partners, and the city of Coatesville helped bring this innovative opportunity to enrich and improve the lives of participants.
Learn more about the Work Enclave program at the Chester County OIC.
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