Local First Responders, West Chester’s Borough Hall Implement Extra Safety Measures


Image of a meeting room in West Chester's Borough Hall via Bill Rettew, MediaNews Group.

As the coronavirus continues to spread all around the globe, local first responders and municipalities are taking extra measures to proactively battle the deadly virus, writes Bill Rettew for the Daily Local News.

According to Kim Holman, executive director of Good Fellowship EMS & EMS Training Institute, EMS workers wear masks, institute powerful disinfectant to the ambulances, and put on glasses or goggles and gowns.

Meanwhile, Borough Hall in West Chester is currently implementing social distancing protocols. This includes chairs in the meeting room being moved six feet from each other.

“We’re going to have it that way until the virus goes away,” said Borough Manager Mike Perrone.

Additionally, meetings by outside groups in the hall have been canceled.

Throughout the borough, video conferencing is being used instead of face-to-face contact.

As far as the police are concerned, West Goshen Police Chief Joe Gleason said that officers will not be shaking hands as they keep a safe distance.

Read more in the Daily Local News here.

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