Neighbors for Crebilly on Court’s Decision: ‘This Ends Sacrilegious Attempt to Defile a Hallowed Battlefield’
Toll Brothers suffered another setback in its attempt to develop Crebilly Farm, as the Commonwealth Court affirmed the decision rendered by a Common Pleas judge that the developer had failed to meet the requirements for its conditional use application to build homes on the Westtown site, writes Bill Rettew for the Daily Local News.
The only aspect of the lower court’s decision that was reversed in Toll’s favor concerns the Route 926 and New Street intersection.
Meanwhile, Toll has requested a second wave of hearings on the issue, and the next conditional use hearing is scheduled for Dec. 18 at Rustin High School. Past hearings have seen hundreds of residents show up to oppose Toll Brothers’ plan to build 319 homes on the site.
The Commonwealth Court’s decision was welcomed by the grassroots organization Neighbors for Crebilly. However, it sent out an e-mail stating that Toll Brothers is still eligible to appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, even though less than three percent of cases actually get heard.
“This effectively ends this round of Toll’s sacrilegious attempt to defile a hallowed battlefield where our first 9/11 took place,” wrote the organization.
Read more about the saga of Crebilly Farm in the Daily Local News here.
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