Washington Post: Mennonite, Pastor’s Wife, and Democrat from Lancaster County Hopes to Connect with Conservative Voters


Jess King, a Mennonite and congressional candidate from Lancaster County, hopes to connect with conservative voters through her faith.

Jess King, a Mennonite and congressional candidate from Lancaster County, hopes to connect with conservative voters through her faith, writes Julie Zauzmer for The Washington Post.

King, who is running as a Democrat, is a pastor’s wife, a 12th-generation Pennsylvanian, and a direct descendant of the Amish and Mennonite communities that settled here.

On the campaign trail, she touts her faith, which should not come as a surprise in a county with 164 Amish and 91 Mennonite churches.

“The whole Bible is loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself,” King says on the campaign trail.

Despite running in a right-leaning district, King has aligned herself with the party’s most progressive wing. She supports a single-payer healthcare plan nationwide and reducing the cost to attend public colleges, and her faith helps her get the conversation going.

“They see themselves in me and in our values,” she said.

Read more about Jess King in The Washington Post by clicking here.

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