Local Barbers Take Haircuts4Homeless Initiative to New Orleans


Image via Haircuts4Homeless.

Philadelphia barbers Brennon and Tasha Jones, who began cutting hair for the homeless nearly two years ago, recently took their Haircuts4Homeless initiative to New Orleans, writes Hanna Krueger for the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

As part of the initiative sponsored by Maestro’s Classic, a barbershop in Bucks County, the pair and their crew have been traveling across the nation giving homeless people a chance to get their hair professionally styled.

On Aug. 12, the group set up three stations in New Orleans and served 40 people throughout the day. Some of them simply wanted a trim, while others asked for an elaborate styling.

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Also, in addition to the haircuts, the group also gave out bags filled with toiletries, socks, and underwear. When it finishes in New Orleans, Haircuts4Homeless will head to Trenton, N.J.

Brennon Jones said the main goal of the initiative is to show the homeless people that others still care about them. If the new haircuts help the men and women get back on their feet, it’s an added bonus.

“My very first haircut, his name was Braden,” said Jones. “When we caught up weeks later, he’d got offered a full-time job.”

Read more about Haircuts4Homeless in the New Orleans Times-Picayune by clicking here.

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