Philadelphia-Area Body Language Expert Explains Difference Between Confidence, Arrogance


Research shows that overcoming a lack of confidence is one of the key challenges for women in the workplace. But body language expert and Philadelphia-area native Amy Cuddy says there are ways for women to manage their body language to overcome this, writes Michelle King for Forbes.

Amy Cuddy

Cuddy, a Professor and Researcher at Harvard Business School, is best known for her 2012 TED talk on power posing. This received more than 47 million views, making it the second-most-popular TED talk in history.

According to Cuddy, women who come across as more confident both improve their self-esteem and increase people’s perceptions of their capability.

“When an individual has power, they take up more space,” she said. “If someone is seen as confident, then they are also seen as competent.”

But Cuddy warns there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

“Confidence is a tool. Arrogance is a weapon,” she said. “Confidence invites people in and arrogance pushes people away. People use arrogance as a wall to prevent others from challenging them. It does prevent people from challenging them but not because people think they are smart. It’s because people don’t want to be around them.”

Read the entire interview at Forbes by clicking here.

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