New York Times: Will the Philadelphia Eagles Visit the White House?
The Philadelphia Eagles’ visit to the White House, customary for Super Bowl champions, has not yet been announced, write Ken Belson and Michael Shear for The New York Times.
Close to three months after the team won its first Super Bowl, it’s still uncertain whether the visit will happen. If it does, the question remains about which members of the team, owned by what many people believe is one of the most liberal owners in the NFL, will opt out.
According to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, a visit is being planned.
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“We are working with them to make it happen,” said Sanders. “We hope to have something finalized in the next couple of weeks.”
The Eagles are the first team to win the Super Bowl after President Donald Trump took the league to task in September for not making players stand for the national anthem.
After their February victory over the New England Patriots, star players Malcolm Jenkins and Chris Long said they would not visit the White House, even if invited.
Read more about the Philadelphia Eagles and whether they will visit the White House in The New York Times here.
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