MacElree Harvey Sponsors LASP’s Trial Run 5K Race
The law firm of MacElree Harvey once again has taken the lead sponsorship role of the Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania’s 13th Annual Trial Run, which takes place on Saturday, June 10 in Downingtown.
Proceeds from the event will support Legal Aid’s free legal services for low-income and vulnerable families in Chester County. Since its inception in 2005, the race has raised more than $200,000.
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP) is a nonprofit corporation committed to delivering high-quality civil legal services to low-income people, victims of domestic abuse, and the elderly living in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties.
LASP provides legal services typically in the areas of landlord/tenant disputes, public housing, utilities, consumer problems, including foreclosures and sheriffs’ sales; bankruptcy; denial or termination of government benefits such as welfare, Social Security, and unemployment compensation; protection from abuse; custody, child dependency, and divorce; license suspension; and elder law issues.
LASP is supported by federal, state, and county funds, local and regional foundations and businesses, and through the generosity of bar associations, foundations, law firms, and individual attorneys.
MacElree Harvey partner William J. Gallagher currently serves as Board President of LASP. He has been practicing law, as well as providing Pro Bono legal services, for more than 50 years. Gallagher is also a member of the Chester County Bar Association’s Pro Bono Committee and Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Legal Services to the Public Committee.
MacElree Harvey partner John F. McKenna, Former President of LASP’s Board (2009-10), is a Gold Sponsor of the Event. He has been a sponsor since the race’s inception. McKenna is also founder of the Access to Justice Program and is currently the Chairman of the Pro Bono Committee of the Chester County Bar Association.
Registration for the race begins at 7:15 AM. The run starts at 8 AM at the entrance to Struble Trail that is across the street from Planet Fitness. All runners receive t-shirts. Online registration for the event is available here.
Get more info about the race here, and check out previous VISTA Today coverage of MacElree Harvey here.
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