Chester County as Split on Trump’s First 100 Days as It Was on Election Day
President Donald Trump has been in office 100 days now, and Chester County voters are just as split about his successes as they were on Election Day.
Throughout the battleground county, Republicans say he’s been bold and fast-paced, while Democrats say the past three months have been chaotic and disgraceful, according to a PBS NewsHour report by Daniel Bush.
Fellow Republicans disagree about Trump’s tweetstorms, and Democrats are struggling to pull together a plan to rebuild after their defeat. However, they both have one thing in common: renewed energy.
“People are just coming out of the woodwork,” West Chester University professor Geetha Ramanathan said.
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People are also watching Trump’s moves closely, and his successes will likely continue to hinge on his results.
“A lot of the Republicans and independents who usually vote Republican didn’t vote for him,” said state GOP chairman Val DiGiorgio, formerly the head of the county GOP. “They’re going to be much more comfortable voting for Donald Trump for re-election if he delivers on his promises of cutting taxes, cutting the size of government, and creating jobs.”
Even some union Democrats near that fence in the middle want to be optimistic.
“He’s not my ideal choice. But this is my country, and I want a better future for my daughters. Hopefully, he can be part of that,” said Coatesville’s United Steelworkers Amalgamated Local 1165 President Vonie Long.
Read more about local views of Trump’s first 100 days on PBS NewsHour here, and check out previous VISTA Today coverage of the president here.
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