Small Gestures Go a Long Way


By Greg Star

It’s a simple question, with a complicated answer. How do you connect with someone?

Now, everyone is different, but here are some tried and true small gestures that help establish meaningful connections.

  1. Thank people for their time – Time is the most precious asset we have. Make sure to thank people for allocating their limited and always dwindling resource to you!
  2. Update people – Taking the time to let people know how things are progressing after you meet with them goes a long way. It shows you value their input and their relationship by keeping them informed.
  3. Compliment their question – For some, it takes courage to ask a question. Complimenting this action lets the person feel more comfortable around you, and encourages them to ask more!
  4. Ask them about their favorite non profit – This question helps people open up about causes and organizations they care about. It sets the tone to connect on a deeper level, and learn more about them than the usual standard “What do you do”.
  5. Send thank you notes – This is probably the best gesture that everyone knows about, but so few people actually do. Taking just 5-10 minutes to write and mail a handwritten letter goes an incredibly long way. Try to get into this habit after a meeting ends so you don’t forget!
  6. Give advice only when asked – I’ve found people enjoy giving advice more than receiving advice. Unless you are asked, it is best to withhold your advice, no matter how well intentioned you are. Conversely, be open and willing to hear advice from others, understanding they are coming from a place of concern, and be mindful that by listening, you are further developing a stronger connection.

In the end, it is small moments of joy and connection that we remember most. I have found these gestures and actions to be very helpful in establishing connections and relationships with the people around me, and if you try them, you may too.

Top photo credit: woodleywonderworks thank you note for every language via photopin (license)

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