Choose Your Own Adventure: Community Service Expo at Phoenixville Area High School


This year's Community Service Expo, where people can learn about how to give back to the people around them, is happening October 11.--photo via Shannon Mannon.


Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Theresa


Each day, we are faced with images & reports of the onslaught of violence in our world.  Weariness sets in, and maybe we start to believe this is our only choice as a nation. But, at a gut level, we resist. Something greater inside us knows that this division is false, just an illusion.

We know that love is stronger than fear. So when fear and hopelessness threaten to overwhelm us, we take action.

community-service-3In this age of polarization, community service gets elevated to an essential act of democracy. Service transforms lives of both the server and the person served. It’s also the vehicle to build bridges between folks who otherwise would remain ‘the other.’ When neighbors serve together, walls come down, communities are strengthened, and we change the world. It’s as simple and revolutionary as that.

Come find out how you can take action by attending Activate Phoenixville Area’s Chose Your Own Adventure: Community Service Expo on October 11 from 5-7 pm at Phoenixville Area High School. Meet more than 30 diverse non-profit organizations representing the arts, youth, housing & homelessness, trails & parks, seniors, healthcare access, green living and more. Curious volunteers can meet with and gather information about service opportunities for themselves, their families, or their workplaces.

Can only volunteer or weekends? Need an activity that young kids can be part of? Aren’t sure you can commit to something regular, but may have a few hours to give? We got you covered. YOU get to decide when, where and how you help – you are the author of your own adventure! There is truly something for everyone.

Be part of something greater than yourself. Have the courage to listen to that still, small voice inside you that says, “there has to be a better way.” Roll up your sleeves and be part of a flesh and blood community. You are needed: The beautiful tapestry of our community can only be woven if each one of us offers our colorful thread. Our rich social fabric can only be maintained when you, the thread holder, dares to contribute.

Serving our neighbors is love in action. Come love with us.

For more information, visit: . Phoenixville Area High School is located at 1200 Gay Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460.


shan-profile-1-300x180Building teams and leading coalitions in the U.S. & aboard at organizations like Operation Smile and Habitat for Humanity allowed Shannon Mannon to discover her love for empowering communities. Since coming to Activate Phoenixville Area seven years ago, she pinches herself each day she gets to move organizations and individuals towards wholeness and wellness. Her passion for listening to people’s stories has recently been directed towards a project that she co-founded with her husband: 3 Minute Storyteller. That project features artists and movement-makers who inspire. You can follow her writing and interviews right here.

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