Daily Gratitude Practice Overcomes Busyness, Stress


Summer is almost over.  It’s difficult to believe that middle of August is here.  This summer flew by quickly.  For those of us who were looking for life to slow down, I hope that goal was met.  September and the return of school will increase the pace of our daily lives.

A sense of busyness promotes feeling overwhelmed.  When people stay too busy they are usually trying to manage an uncomfortable feeling.  The idea being if I stay busy, I won’t have to feel this particular feeling.  We stay busy in our professional lives as well.  If there is a project or a phone call I want to avoid, I can find lots of tasks to stay busy.

Practicing gratitude is a healthy tool that helps us slow down and focus and manage busyness.  This tool can be practiced anywhere at any time.

Chester County residents can feel very proud of their athletes that were in the Olympics.  The Olympics allows us to come together as a nation, as a County in Pennsylvania, and a community.  This summer has held a lot of tragedy.  I feel grateful the Olympics are helping us come together regardless of culture or profession.

Regardless of how busy our lives are, it is important to take time every day and practice gratitude.  Before life gets back into a routine, let’s take the new few weeks to slow down.  It makes sense that folks want to get in their last “beach day” before school starts and the and the last “break” before school or college begins.

Take time before you go to sleep to record one thing/person you feel grateful for or something you really appreciate about yourself.  This tool allows our mind to relax; making it easier for us to sleep.  It also helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives.

Pay attention to how busy you are and if this busyness is helping you avoid something.  Allow yourself to appreciate who you are and take a really deep breath.

Top photo credit: gratitude wall via photopin (license)

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