New Vanguard Merch Website Satisfies Cult Following
The informal Bogleheads fan club and like-minded fanatics of index investing now have an outlet — an online merchandise outlet, that is — for their affections.
The Vanguard Group just launched an e-commerce site,, for its catchy sloganed T-shirts like “Retiree in training,” bumper stickers like “My other vehicle is an IRA,” branded mugs and more.
“Maybe an online store is a cheaper and more effective form of advertising than newspapers, magazines and websites — if you can get your shareholders to buy and wear what you’re selling,” Independent Advisor for Vanguard Investors Editor Daniel Wiener said in a Total Return blog post on The Wall Street Journal.
Read more about the Malvern mutual fund giant’s latest offering and the low-cost merchandise befitting it on The Wall Street Journal here.
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