Open Enrollment For Health Insurance Begins Nov. 15


Open enrollment for national health care begins Nov. 15, and unfortunately, several phone calls found Chester County’s health and human services offices have no plans to offer sign-up help for those who want personal assistance navigating .

For business owners and sole practitioners who are self employed, insurance consultant Frank Saltzburg has some advice. Saltzburg said some people have seen up to 40 percent increases, and some businesses have had 100 percent increases.

Saltzburg is a partner with Healthcare Solutions Team which says they offer quotes for a three-step bundled health package giving a higher deductible, an affordable monthly payment, and comprehensive coverage.

“To further add to the confusion and frustration for families and small businesses looking for affordable health care, there has been a new influx of online insurance quote engines through the public insurance exchanges,” Saltzburg said. “The problem here is these public exchange quote engines will list ‘bargain health plans’ that typically have the smallest network of doctors and hospitals. Many people are shocked to learn their plan’s network is limited to one county within their state and their doctors are not part of these networks.”

Salzburg is also co-authoring the book “Boom” with Mark Victor Hansen of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”  He is a Certified Health Care Reform Specialist and speaks about how the current Health Care Reform Act impacts families and businesses.

Top photo credit: stupidmommy via photopin cc

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