Kendal-Crosslands Community Is Now Official Wildlife Habitat
The Kendal-Crosslands Community in Kennett Square has successfully created an official Wildlife Habitat site certified by the National Wildlife Federation.
NWF said the retirement community created outdoor spaces that improve habitats for birds, butterflies, frogs and other wildlife by providing essential elements needed by all wildlife – natural food sources, clean water, cover and places to raise young. The NWF encourages gardeners, farmers, schools, businesses and corporate business parks to turn their spaces into certified wildlife habitats and has information about how to do this here.
“We’ve added numerous meadows over the past years and they provide secure nesting places for song sparrows and abundant food sources for butterflies and insects, said Mark Swick, grounds supervisor. “Our forests are wonderful havens and home to wild turkey and many bird species such as: the Scarlet Tanager, Woodthrush, Ovenbird, Verry, and various owls.”
The community has more than 7 miles of trails – maintained by residents – giving them the opportunity to spend time in nature. Residents and staff have created meadows and planted over 500 woody plants on Kendal’s 500-acre arboretum campus.
Kendal-Crosslands offers a wide range of residential living options and full services with lifetime health care. Kendal provides independent living, assisted living, memory support, skilled nursing and rehabilitation care at facilities in eight states.
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