9 Tips to Stop Living in the Poverty Mindset
I work so hard, and I still can’t make ends meet.
I’ll never be able to afford a vacation.
I’ll take what I can get for this project, even if it’s not my full rate.
Do these statements, or some form of them, sound familiar? Engaging in limiting thought limits your ability to succeed.
Scientific studies tell us that thought patterns influence health and well-being. We know that negative thinking suppresses the immune system and often leads to illness.
Why engage in a constant stream of negativity? If you were raised in a household filled with negative reminders about the lack or criticisms of the wealthy, you have likely carried these beliefs into adulthood.
They are embedded in your brain on repeat, a constant reminder of your limitations. The poverty mindset is common; we all know that money doesn’t grow on trees!
If we have this ‘knowledge’ telling us that we can never succeed financially, how do we erase it? Depending on the intensity, solutions range from changing habits all the way to utilizing powerful Energy Psychology techniques like EFT Tapping. Below are some suggestions.
Change your environment
If you are behind your computer all day searching for a solution, take a walk instead. Begin your day allowing the calming effects of nature to soak in. Added bonus- the exercise also helps eliminate stress.
Connect with positive people
Seek out the company of people with positive attitudes about success and wealth. Observe their language, including body language. Mimic the tone and body language and notice how much better it feels.
Repeat affirmations
Recite them throughout your day. Start small; “I am a magnet for wealth and prosperity” might not feel uplifting if you are completely underwater. Try “I choose to pay my bills with ease and gratitude” and graduate to stronger statements as your energy moves in a positive direction. Affirmations can change your brain chemistry.
Start saving money
Even if you are struggling, put away what you can. Make empowering choices with money instead of creating more debt by buying momentary relief. Even small amounts build up over time.
Stand by your rates
I often see clients reduce their pricing drastically to lure in consumers and then feel resentful toward themselves and the customer. There are creative ways to bundle products and services so that everyone wins. Don’t give yourself away! Remember, like attracts like. Do you want to attract clients who can afford you or those with a poverty mindset?
Appreciate your current wealth
List the good stuff in your life. Are you surrounded by people you love? Do you have a house, car and things you enjoy? Place emphasis on what you DO have and you will attract more of it.
Expand your thinking
Creative thinking is limited when we are in a poverty mindset. How long have you been waiting for your business to become profitable? If it’s not working, enlist outside help for a fresh perspective.
Create psychological change
Are there specific events in your life that taught you that you cannot be financially successful? For help on a deeper level, consider other approaches including, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, or cognitive therapy.
Decide to change
Most importantly, decide to change. Once you make that decision your mind will be open to solutions, and they will present themselves. No matter your circumstances, you do have choices. Make the most of them and keep yourself in a positive mindset!
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