Legal Sale of Recreational Marijuana Could Be $1.6 Billion Industry in Pennsylvania
The legal sale of recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania could be a $1.6 billion industry, generating almost $600 million in revenue for the state’s general fund and creating 18,000 new jobs, according to information from a recent press conference, writes Kevin Tustin for the Daily Times.
State Rep. Dave Delloso of Ridley Township has proposed House Bill 1899 to legalize marijuana in Pennsylvania and allow it to be sold for recreational use. Currently, Pennsylvania only allows for medicinal use of marijuana.
Ten other states have decriminalized the drug.
Delloso’s bill would allow the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to oversee sales of marijuana in its Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores. As with alcohol sales, marijuana sales would be restricted to persons 21 and older.
Delloso is advocating the funds from marijuana sales be used for education.
“As you knock on doors in Pennsylvania, you’re going to find out two things: Young parents find their schools underfunded, and older Pennsylvanians are crushed by the weight of school property taxes,” said Delloso. “Cannabis sales in the state stores may be the answer for full funding and property tax relief.”
Read more about a proposal to legalize marijuana in Pennsylvania in the Daily Times here.
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